Environmental Management.

The ISO 14001 Standard for Environmental Management is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology, which is a system based on a concept of continual improvement.
It encompasses several elements that are grouped into phases.
Environmental Policy.
Review processes and products to identify the current elements of operation and how those elements impact the environment. All Morrow’s future operations are also assessed during the plan phase to determine how they may impact various environmental aspects.
We identify the resources that are required and document all procedures. Communication and participation are undertaken with all staff members and Morrow have undertaken an extensive and award winning training program.
Implementation and Operation.
We measure and monitor all our works and processes. We then report the analysed data and results to clients and management as required.
Checking and Corrective Action.
We ensure that our objectives are met through a structured management review. Data gathered in step 3 is used to determine if any corrective action is needed.
Management Review
(Continual Improvement Process).
Based on three dimensions we have gradually moved the business from operational environmental measurement towards a more strategic approach when dealing with environmental concerns and challenges.
Dimensions Include.
- Expanding the Environmental Management Standards to more and more businesses areas.
- Enrichment by managing an increasing number of processes, products, resources, and activities.
- Expanding the Environmental Management Standards to more and more businesses areas.
- Enrichment by managing an increasing number of processes, products, resources, and activities.