As we see the rise of sustainability in conversations at every level of infrastructure, we see a growing onus on companies like Morrow to make it happen at scale.
Our approach to investing in more sustainable ways of working goes beyond just looking after the environment.
From carbon reduction methods like using non-fossil fuel vehicles, to building more ethical supply chains and improving employment wellbeing; at Morrow, sustainability is a future we support at every level.
This comprehensive approach to sustainability builds natural checks and balances into every avenue of exploration. This way, we can avoid taking unnecessary or costly risks on our journey to ‘Net Zero’.
The following five areas of focus were chosen because improvement here will provide the most impact, as well as creating a blueprint for sustainable infrastructure that benefits our company and the industry as a whole.

Community & People.
Proud to support.
Everyone deserves the right support at the end of life.
Marie Curie’s provides hospice care and support for anyone with an illness they’re likely to die from, and those close to them, and campaigns for better support for dying people.
WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.
Only by tackling these three essentials in ways that last can people change their lives for good.
Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke provides expert care and support to anyone at risk of or currently living with chest, heart and stroke conditions.
They also fund local ground-breaking research into better treatments, care and prevention.
L’Arche is a network of communities where people with and without learning disabilities share life together.
We work every day to create a more inclusive, human society where everyone’s gifts are recognised and celebrated.

We are in discussions with local suppliers in our industry to generate innovative solutions to help us reduce our impact on the environment as we continue on our journey towards Net-Zero.
Brett Jones, Manager
Environment & Economy.

Doing Our Part.
By planting trees and the construction of a large pond on Morrow Group land, our business can play an important role in the drive to net zero and in helping to tackle climate change.
Dominic Roncaglione, Fleet Manager
We can help your business.
With our many years of experience, we are highly skilled in an extensive range of areas. Get in touch to find out how we can assist.